Technique for Password cracking

 How Hackers CRACK Password

  •  Password cracking is not easy, but there are a few techniques you must know!

  How Hashing Algorithm Works ??

  •  Hashing converts plain text into hashed text ( Encrypted form).
  • There are many types of hashing algorithms that can be used to hash password are:
  1.   SHA-1
  2.   SHA-256
  3.   MD5
  4.   MD6
  5.   RipeMD128
  • Rainbow tables contain common or weak passwords and the hashes that are created from those passwords.
  Rainbow Table common Passwords

 Dictionary Attack 
  • A Dictionary attack uses a preselected library of words and phrases to guess the possible password.
  • password wordlist 👈 Click here

      Password Cracking Tool    
  •  Click below to download tool

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