coursera free course

 coursera financial aid 

coursera free course !! how to enroll free ?? coursera free online courses ,
coursera free courses with certificate , coursera financial aid answer 

  •  हम जानते हैं की , coursera एक ऑनलाइन learning प्लैटफॉर्म है, जहाँ कोर्स की किमत बहूत ही ज्यादा है जो, आम आदमी के लिए ख़रीदना संभव नहीं है इसलिए
    आज हम जानेंगे कैसे coursera free courses with certificate को  enroll करे 
  • coursera paid course जो हम मुफ्त में भी enroll करके certificate मिलता हैं , इसके लिए coursera हमें कोई भी course को खरीदने की किंमत के साथ में coursera financial aid का विकल्प नज़र आता है, जिसकी सहायता से हम coursera free courses with certificate मिलता है  |  
  • आप यह image में देख रहे होंगे की enroll के निचे financial aid available का विकल्प है , वहां पर click करे ,

  •   click करते ही हमें कहा जाता है की , Application take at least 15 days to get reviewed और साथ में  continue to the application जहाँ पर हमें click करना है        

  • continue to the application पर हम click करते है तो हमें कुछ सवाल पूछे जाते है वो हमें इस प्रकार से fill up करने है और continue पर click करना है   

  • continue पर click करते ही हमें कुछ और सवाल पूछे जाते है, जिसका उत्तर हमें सोच समझकर देना रहता
  • सवाल और जवाब के लिए ये एक demo image   

  • अंत के  सवाल के लिए उत्तर  ( यह एक example के रूप में हैं copy ना करे )
  •  (1 ) Why are you applying for Financial Aid?                                                                                                           Hello, my name is "xyz " and I am student of " xyz degree". I'm applying for Financial Aid for the course "Course name" because I do not have any special source of income and I don't earn enough money and I can't afford the full tuition at this time of my life and career. Receiving Financial Aid for this course will help me get valuable knowledge in "write your career neme like machine learening" , and i searching for a job from a long time for earning money for taking this course, and i not find yet, and the time goes on, and receiving financial aid will allow me to focus on my studies and by taking it to allow to take off a paid internship and can take another course in machine learning path . I want to invest in my career and my education, but at this moment I can only invest my time to increase my knowledge and advance in my career and not the money. 
  • (2) How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals?
    I am expert in "math and algorithms and problem-solving skills", so i am intrested in "machine learning" and that's the course the first step to me to making good projects for college help the humanity for an easy life and solve the big problem. My main career goal is to learn every day something new, i really want to learn and to progress in my career. "Programming" requires constant learning and improving, taking a course can help me advance in my knowledge.
  • (3) Would you consider using a low-interest loan to pay for your courses?  - NO
  • (4) If you answered no, please help us understand why.                            I am student so , i am not able to pay and course price is very high so i am not afford it .
  • अंत में  submit application पर click करे  
  • और कुछ दिन तक इंताजर करे application के approval reply coursera login करते समय जो email id दर्ज की होगी उसपर mail आएगा , हमें जो mail आया है जो इस प्रकार से है|

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