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GTU Operating System IMP

1. Define term thrashing ,mutual exclusion,race condition.
2. Explain Multitaasking, multiprocessing,multiprogramming.

3. Explain process control block.

4. Explain process life cycle. Or Explain process state transition diagram.

5. Explain Dining philosopher problem and its solution using semaphore.

6. Explain producer consumer problem and its solution using monitor.

7. Explain file system backup.

8. Explain virtual memory and Associative Memory and write advantages of it.

9. Explain RAID condition.

10. Explain RACE condition.

11. Explain deadlock? Explain deadlock prevention in brief.

12. Explain fragmentation? Explain internal and external fragmentation.

13. Explain mutual exclusion? Explain Peterson solution for mutual exclusion.

14. Explain DMA.

15. What is paging? Explain paging mechanism in MMU with example.

16. Explain Semaphore? Give the implementation of Reader-Writers problem using

17. Explain Critical Section problem and list the requirement to solve it.

18. Explain TLB.

19. Explain concept of Demand Paging in memory management.

20. Explain use of controller in I/O transfer.

21. Explain Linked file allocation method and contiguous.

22. Explain real time, batch,time sharing operating system.

23. Explain system call.

24. Explain three page replacement algorithm in detail?

25. Diff. between monolithic and mircolithic.

26. Explain Bankers algorithm for multiple resourece for deadlock avoidance with

27. What is called Segmentation and how its differs from paging.

28. Explain thread life cycle and also explain thread state.

29. Explain different types of scheduler.

30. Explain contiguous memory allocation algorithm.(a)first-fit(,b)best-fit,(c)worst-fit

31. Explain principle of concurrency in brief.

32. Explain unix command : grep,sort,chmod,cat,cmp,cat,ls,ps.

33. Differ. Between process and thread.

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